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The Back Story:

Operation Decisive Victory (ODV) was founded because of personal struggles faced by the founders after their transition from the military. These personal struggles led to the REALIZATION that there is so much more to do for our veterans and their families.


Quite often, veteran families are left to fight the many "wars at home" on their own because "civilians" do not understand, and most veteran organizations are not equipped to assist with the average DAILY STRUGGLES.

ODV was founded in 2018 to serve as a BEACON OF HOPE for members of the veteran and first responder communities. The name of the organization originated from the phrase "Decisive Victory", which in military operations is a term used to identify small victories on the battlefield leading to the

advancement of the fight. Therefore, establishing the idea that our organization's purpose is to keep our veterans and their families on the path of success through small victories over their everyday struggles. ODV understands the limitations of bureaucracy and the restrictions placed on institutions that are established to assist the veteran population. Our MISSION IS UNIQUE because we work with those that are not being helped or cannot be helped by the existing systems. We strive to work with government and private institutions TO BRIDGE GAPS in services that are currently available to our veterans and their families. These gaps are most often delays in services or stringent qualification criteria. We educate businesses, local influencers, and government officials to ensure freedoms, rights, and services earned by our veterans are secured and sustainable. In turn, we empower our veterans and their families to reintegrate gracefully back into society.

ODV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation headquartered in Charlotte, NC, and operates nationwide. As a 'veteran family' run business, we proudly bring new meaning to the phrase "veterans helping veterans." Our organization comprises of military members, spouses, and children – it is our shared

EXPERIENCES and EXPERTISE that lay the underlying foundations of success, commitment and growth.

ODV is not about personal glorification, but about ensuring our brothers and sisters who have BORNE THE BATTLE are not left behind here at home.


Decisive Victory:

Every step of their journey there was one incident or decision that changed the direction of the outcome. Despite the physical, emotional and spiritual exhaustion, these small, yet conclusive, victories provided hope to persevere through the storms of life.


Operation Decisive Victory was founded to be that sense of hope for members of the veteran and first responder communities. The 'war at home' is often fought alone because civilians simply do not understand. This organization strives to work with government and private institutions alike to ensure the services provided for our military members are continuous and seamless for the individuals or families impacted. 

Our Mission

ADVOCATE for a veteran’s right to comfort, healing and growth without prejudice.

EDUCATE governing officials and local leaders to ensure they are equipped to provide adequate support for our growing veteran communities.

EMPOWER families to conquer their personal struggles and improve their quality of life

Our Vision

To provide veterans with a holistic approach to recuperate physically, recover mentally, heal emotionally and reintegrate socially.



© 2025 Operation Decisive Victory

Operation Decisive Victory ® is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN: 83-1540266

All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

All impact data reported on this site comprises of data from our 2018 inception to the present.

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